In celebration of 10 years of painting professionally Doug Hyde produced a series of paintings to complement his Love counts exhibition. My World II was one of the paintings created for this exhibition. Lets dive in and have a look at what makes this piece so great.

My World 2 by Doug Hyde.
Art Style
First thing you will notice about this piece is the style. It is Doug Hyde’s signature simplistic almost child like style. Every thing is created using basic geometry shapes. Circles, squares, and triangles show off a kind of innocence and almost naivety. Small amounts of shading and blending make the scene pop.
The use of colours and flowers to represent the passing of time is simply inspired. The transition from spring right the way to winter could be a tale about life itself. A tale about how the love of a pet lasts a life time.
Doug Hyde tends to use very bright vibrant colours to stand out. The kind of colours that would not look out of place in a children’s book. it is almost impossible to be miserable when seeing any of his art works. The use of pure whites on the faces of his characters really make them almost leap off the page. The greens really catch the eye and lead you to the more muted colours on the right. He could have easily over cluttered the image but by showing restraint on the top portion of the image he kept My World 2 from being over crowded and cluttered.
Notable Elements
I absolutely love the snow effect on the right. Small details like the flakes really show off Doug Hyde’s skill as an artist. Whilst this image looks simple enough there are enough hidden details to keep it looking fresh no matter how many times you see it.